Ali Torabi

Digital Architecture & Technology

New features of PARA 2.5 (parts 1-4) »« PARA 2.4 is released

Upgrade to PARA 2.5

New features :

Main interface:

1. PARA works now on single object. you can use parametric controllers of PARA not only on arrays but also on single 3ds MAX entities .

2. Property list has been improved to show the structure of Parametric controllers and their relation with each other. click on filter key to see all controllers working on your objects and their hierarchy.   You can

3. An option is available to keep a copy of original object which you’re going to array.

4.Right click on select array node button will select all the array members.

Revised controllers :

1. curve controller supports array on multiple spines in one curve.

2.curve controller supports array on multiple curve from another parametric array

3. You can measure the curvature of shapes using curve controller.

4. Array variable controller provides sub-object index number

5. More options for convert controller

6. Parametric Array link look up function has been improved . You can choose what to do when array reaches the first and last item.

7. Test value controller can perform variable validity check.

8. Vector controller has now more functions.


new controllers:

1. Intersection Controller: solves intersections for two lines, a line and a plane and two plane. for single objects as well as objects from two different arrays.

2.Mesh Controller : provides access to topologic information of Mesh and Poly objects in 3ds Max. also extract geometric properties such as face center , vertex position, normal vectors, Gaussian and mean curvature.

Bugs Fixed:

start up problem with loading Microsoft excel connection has been resolved. We decided to change this type of connection to CSV format (comma separated values) in case of user doesn’t have excel application.

January 11, 2012 at 11:27 am
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